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Re: Gov't. Rebate check
« on: May 07, 2008, 08:02:11 PM »
This will be me right here!  And the rest will be put into the money market in case we go out on strike this June, I hope we don't.   :crossed:

Call me callous or a prick it makes no matter to me.  But I only ask this, why do we continue to feed the world?  I don't want the world to starve but I sure as hell wouldn't mind them being able to feed themselves.  We have allowed ourselves to become the worlds big brother and it has done nothing but cause us headaches." ~

I agree right here!  The $100+ billion spendt on the Iraq war could have fixed our school problems, health care issues, and so on!  It's time we stood back and let them take care of themselves, because we can't even take care of our own problems!  They gotten used to being taken care of for so long that they just automatically expect us to help them.

And another issue that isn't being covered on the "Stimulus Check" is that it is a "LOAN" from next years taxes!   

Alright, you callous prick…
   We feed the world because:

1. We see it as a method to buy the support of countries around the world. It doesn’t work. We send, literally, boatloads of support to Ethiopia and it never makes it to the people who are hungry…the war lords keep it for themselves and sell what they don’t need to buy arms.
We can’t invade every country to defeat every evil…and sending the bad guys supplies doesn’t make sense.

2. It makes up feel good to help…even if the help never arrives where it’s needed.

3. What the hell else can we do? We as people, not the nation, can’t let hundreds of thousands die for lack of food. We have to learn…that we, as a nation can’t stop it. Unless every civilized nation will join us at the border in such overwhelming numbers that the bad guys soil themselves in fear, this won’t stop. Mankind, on its own can not rid the world of evil.

   $100 billion to fix the school and healthcare issues:

1. What are you going to do…pay parents to become interested in their children’s education? If parents aren’t deeply involved in school…even good private schools will fail. Do you think there are a lot of parents involved in schooling or that belong to the PTA in the urban areas where there is a drop out rate approaching 70%?

2.  Would you pay schools to teach the three R’s and some real world subjects, instead of letting them take over parenting chores?

3. What exactly is our health care issue? Just because someone complains doesn’t mean the system is broken. We spend hundreds of millions ($70 million in California and $40 million in Arizona) in healthcare for Mexican citizens… if I was Felipe Calderon I would have ZZ Top beard, because I couldn’t look at myself in the mirror to shave.
How many more millions for our own citizens who won’t afford healthcare…yet have cars, televisions, cell phones and internet? The abuses of our system make it hard for the few in real need.

4. Would you give every trial lawyer a percentage of that money to stop the frivolous lawsuits over every single thing? The cost of malpractice insurance and huge settlements have driven the cost of health care out of sight and left many communities without any reliable, nearby health care facilities.

The war isn't making us broke....  We have only spent around 1% of the GNP on it since it started....  You want to save some money, get rid of the pork that a vast majority of the idiots put into bills that would ordinarily get passed but they pork them out so much they get voted down or the prez veto's them and looks like a bad guy... 

Actually the cost of the war is over 500 billion from the start until now…but, I agree, that amount is a pittance compared to what Congress wastes every year.
Unless we have the line item veto (I don’t see that…it would call for Congress to give up its power) or require a vote for every line item we will never, short of revolution, get control of government spending.

One question my, Democrat, representative hasn’t yet answered is…if giving us back our own money is good for the economy, why isn’t it even better to let us keep it in the first place? At least then we wouldn’t have spent millions in printing and processing to return it. One great problem with the government and an even worse problem with us, the citizens, too few understand that it’s our money! The feds don’t loose money from a tax cut and we don’t gain any…it’s already ours.
There are some things, that will never come to pass, that would help immensely in returning spending to sensible levels.

1. Have Congress and the President…read the Constitution. Right there in black and white are the limits of what the federal government can do. Unlike the Bible, there are no parables, no prophesies, no complicated translations from ancient tongues…it’s written in our native tongue.

2. Authorize Congress to fund only what is laid out in the Constitution. Anything else would require a nation referendum.

3. End employer withholding for federal taxes. In 2008 a family making $75k, filing jointly, will owe around $11k. Like the frog in a pot brought to a boil slowly, that $11k is taken out in 26 convenient payments of about $423…if you throw the frog into the already boiling pot he will jump out…especially if he sees an $11k bill once a year. When we see the huge amount of our money we cede to these people and how little regard they have for what it takes to earn, heads would roll and waste would cease.

In my mind it boils down to this...we need to be the best, the strongest America we can be, we need to be the beacon of hope to the world...not the nanny.
The things that come to those who wait, may be the things left by those who got there first.

I contend that for a nation to try to tax itself into prosperity is like a man standing in a bucket and trying to lift himself up by the handle.
-- Winston Churchill

Censorship, that most subtle tool of oppression, the tool of the fearful and small minded. 8/15/2008

"It is interesting that we are asked to NOT judge all Muslims by the actions of a few lunatics. Too bad gun owners can't get same judgment."
Travis Tritt (I know!)


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