Author Topic: Driver's License for Illeagal aliens !!! :shocking:  (Read 35995 times)

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I think it would be pretty ignorant of anyone to suggest that American's aren't doing the same things. As a matter of fact, I think American's are sometimes the worst offenders. While I can't speak for Rocksurfer, I think the point he is trying to make is that they should not be getting these handouts in the first place, and then for them to sell it to satisfy an addiction makes it worse.

You should see some of the people who come into my ER, and want me to write a prescription for Motrin for their kid because Medi-cal will pay for it, but yet they have cell phones, pagers, perfect nails and gold chains around their necks and wrists. They're trying to play the system. It irritates the He## out of me.

Granted, there are some on Medi-cal, who truly deserve it, and you can easily tell the difference. They are polite, and appreciative of the service provided. Their kids are clean and well mannered, even if their cloths are worn out.

This is the difference. Some truly need the assistance, and should get it. I have no problem helping them. It's the people who are lazy, and put more effort into playing the system to thier benefit than trying to find meaningful work who irritate me. Some are immigrants, but a majority are Americans.

Erik :usa:
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you'r right germ,BUT....rocksurfer specifically pointed out the "illigals". thats what pisses me off, when people point their finger at onother race but do not realize that their own race does the exact same thing!

one more thing, about what you said about people comming in to your ER and getting prescriptions for their kids, what does having a cell phone or pager or a gold necklace have to do with anything?? I'm just curiouse.
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one more thing, about what you said about people comming in to your ER and getting prescriptions for their kids, what does having a cell phone or pager or a gold necklace have to do with anything?? I'm just curiouse.

I think it has to do with the fact that they have mre expensive stuff than it seems makes sense.  I 've noticed the same thing.  I had a friend in High School whose family was on welfare, and his dad got the checks.  His dad would wear brand new clothes (sean john and such) new jordans, lots of :bling: and his kids would wear worn out clothes from goodwil, and they woud go hungry sometimes because he spent all their money on his stuff.  He had a camera phone before they were cheap, had an MP3 player befor they were cheap, and so on, and he didnt even work.  When you're on wlefare, yIMO you shouldnt be spending the $$ on the styles, but rather on your family.  I know there are many people that use wlefare for the reaosn it was intended to get them back on their feet, but there are others that dont, and they are the ones that are more noticable
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i agree with that. some people on wellfare need it and whenever you help them in any way they are VERY apreciative of the assistance while they try to get back on their feet. other people, of ANY RACE, abuse the system hardcore.
read and comment :whip:


germ [OP]

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one more thing, about what you said about people comming in to your ER and getting prescriptions for their kids, what does having a cell phone or pager or a gold necklace have to do with anything?? I'm just curiouse

When they come into the ER and have medi-cal, I (we the taxpayers) are paying for their visit, and any tests that need to be done. They don't pay a thing. We are also paying for their medications that are written on a prescription. If a kid comes in with an ear infection, I will gladly write for the appropriate antibiotics, but Ibuprofen (motrin) is an over the counter medication, which costs about $5-6. If they can afford cell phone, pager, done nails and gold chains, then they can afford $6 for a bottle of Motrin.

Personally, I don't have a cell phone, pager or any :bling:, because i can't afford it. I have a mortgage and 2 kids to feed. My money is better spent on that than a cell phone. I have 2 vehicles. Nothing newer than 1996, and 1 4-wheeler (85 4Runner). I work 2 jobs to be able to afford what I do have. I pay enough in taxes every month to make a car payment on a new car, and most of those taxes go to paying for other peoples goverment subsidies.

Don't get me wrong. I do feel that there are a percentage of the population who are unable to meet their families needs, and these people certainly need our help. Again, if they really need it, I have no problem providing it. It's the people who are working the system to their benifit, so they don't have to work and be a productive member of society, but yet draw off the hard work of the other citizens that bother me.

Unfortunatly, these people usually have bad attitudes to go with it. They act as if we OWE them, and expect the handout provided on a silver platter, and an apology that it took so long. It's infuriating.
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rocksurfer,have you lived this life? have you been an illegal? correct me if I'm wrong but I think you havent.... why do you say all this B.S.(bull crap) about selling foodstamps for they're addiction?! which leads me to another argument: are you saying that there are no americans selling :pokinit: to get cash for "addictions",are there no americans abusing the welfare system that WE tax payers pay? I call bull crap once again.....

You may (are misunderstanding me), when I was referring to the selling of the foodstamps and the kids never seeing a dime of that money I "am" talking about the Americans that abuse the system not an illegal that gets to abuse the system by having a kid here, and just so you don't get on me for that comment, it is an abuse, granted a legal abuse by getting across any of our borders regardless of nationality and dropping a kid out. Also I am in upper management and have helped several people in my charge now to get legal residency and then I can keep them because they were good employee's. I have talked with them extensively and know why they have come here, I'm not talking about people like these that did come here illegally because of conditions at home were so bad that their homes had dirt floors, no windows, doors that wouldn't stay shut, roofs that didn't just leak but rained through. Yes I have never had to live like that, but I do know what they have gone through. These guys are some of my best employee's. The one's I don't think should be allowed to stay are the sponges that just milk you, me and the legal residents for everything they can get and then if they end up doing something really bad they just run home. I would be all for a work visa that way they become a productive tax paying benefit to our economy. The truth is there are jobs that no American would do and these people fill that hole, but let's make it legal with a work visa or something to that effect.
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Personally i think its all bull :pokinit:. If I can go to work everyday so can anyone else. (except those who are unable to due to medical issues) I am an extremely lazy person, but i drag my ass out of bed everyday at 5:30 and work my ass off for at least 8 hours a day but normaly 10 or so. Then I go to school untill 10pm. People need to get there :pokinit: together and quit wasting all our hard earned money. no one deserves a hand out, as said before they could be picking up trash os something. I know  I always see hiring signs at mcdonalds. Whats funny is a lot of people think there too good for a certain job so theyll continue collecting our money.

As some of you know im having a baby and im 19 years old. But i am working my ass off to pay for everything im going to need and make my babys life comfortable. Im not expecting the goverment to pay to support me and my daughter. Its not all the tax payers job to take care of me, but on the other hand im working hard for them to give my money away to a bunch of slackers. My girlfriend is about ready to pop 8 1/2 months pregnant and she is still working her butt off when she should be at home resting, with her feet up. Shes working at jack in the box but she took what she got at the time and its going to help pay for the things we need, and im extremely proud of her.

Me and my mom were actually just talking today about social security. Chances are most of us wont be able to collect on are social security because it wont be there, since its all being wasted on all the moochers and fawking rebuilding other countrys when ours is a dissaster and only getting worse. pretty much what im saying is you should have to work for what you have  or you would have nothing. if they were cut off they'd most likely do something to better them selves and if not screw em, i think they could rot under a bridge
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Personally i think its all bull :pokinit:. If I can go to work everyday so can anyone else. (except those who are unable to due to medical issues) I am an extremely lazy person, but i drag my ass out of bed everyday at 5:30 and work my ass off for at least 8 hours a day but normaly 10 or so. Then I go to school untill 10pm. People need to get there :pokinit: together and quit wasting all our hard earned money. no one deserves a hand out, as said before they could be picking up trash os something. I know  I always see hiring signs at mcdonalds. Whats funny is a lot of people think there too good for a certain job so theyll continue collecting our money.

As some of you know im having a baby and im 19 years old. But i am working my ass off to pay for everything im going to need and make my babys life comfortable. Im not expecting the goverment to pay to support me and my daughter. Its not all the tax payers job to take care of me, but on the other hand im working hard for them to give my money away to a bunch of slackers. My girlfriend is about ready to pop 8 1/2 months pregnant and she is still working her butt off when she should be at home resting, with her feet up. Shes working at jack in the box but she took what she got at the time and its going to help pay for the things we need, and im extremely proud of her.

Me and my mom were actually just talking today about social security. Chances are most of us wont be able to collect on are social security because it wont be there, since its all being wasted on all the moochers and fawking rebuilding other countrys when ours is a dissaster and only getting worse. pretty much what im saying is you should have to work for what you have  or you would have nothing. if they were cut off they'd most likely do something to better them selves and if not screw em, i think they could rot under a bridge

 :maddest: First off don't assume that just because someone's on welfare that they are a slacker who won't work.Well I can proudly say that when I was younger that I benefitted from welfare.When I was probably 8 to 10 years old my family was on welfare,it was me and my sister and my mother.My mother worked three jobs and got very little sleep trying to keep a roof over our head and some food on the table.There was alot of times our lunch and dinner consisted of grilled cheese sandwiches,not because that's what we wanted but because that's all we had,and of course the cheese was commodity cheese.I've watched my mother break down in tears because she didn't have the money to buy us something we wanted.It was even worse when the tow truck came and repo'd our only means of transportation.I am proud not because I benefitted from the system,I'm proud because I can say I've been there.I know what it's like to be poor.It's not all slackers out there abusing the system.
Do you live on your own?
Do you have a good job with good insurance?
And also I'm gonna assume that your gonna pay all the medical bills out of pocket when the baby gets here,not to mention all the formula,diapers,doctor visits,and all the other little stuff that goes along with them.
I guess what I'm trying to say is don't spout off about :pokinit: unless you've been there.I got no problem admiting there are moochers out there but there are also one's who need it.Sure McDonalds allways hiring but let's face it,who could ever support a family on minium wage.
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And on another note,I didn't realize it untill today,I was reading the local paper and there was an article along the same lines as this subject,only it was directed at meth labs.In the state of North Carolina,all that is required to obtain a drivers licence is a tax identification number.They aren't required to show a ss # or any proof of residency.All that's required is a signing of an affidavit stating they live here.
I think that's what it said anyway.I'll get the article tomorrow and post it for everyone to read.
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Times have changed boys and girls.  Back in the early days of welfare it was used when you were in need.  Nowadays there are more lazy assed useless people that are abusing the system than there are that actually need it.  Its a harsh reality but its fact.
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my statement was aimed at those who are sitting on there ass not even worried about getting a job because the goverment is paying them to do nothing. ive known people like this and it pisses me off. Your mom woked her ass off to support you from what it sounds like but no where did i say any thing about people who no matter what they did to get by couldnt. i said we need to do something about those who sit on there ass and get payed. i was not meaning to be offensive towards you or anyone else that was or is in your situation.  :beerchug:

also, yes I have a good job with good benifits, I would be able to take care of the medical bills but since she is not yet 18 her dad is still claiming her that makes the baby a dependent of him. I do not want it to be this way because I could handle it. Im am not expecting a hand out and when the baby is here my girlfriend and i will be able to cover the expenses. Also even if i did rely on mommy and daddy to bail me out in this situation it isnt costing any of you a dime.
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Not all abusers of the system are slackers either.Some actually work.This guy I use to work with was one of them.He put his 40 hours in a week and still got away with it.The reason is where I live is only 5 miles from GA.He lived in GA and worked in NC.He didn't have to report his income to GA, because of that he was able to get 700 a month in foodstamps.Plus all the other programs offered.
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There certainly has to be a safty net. There are those who work their a$$ off, and still can't make ends meet. For those folks, we as a society need to step in and provide some relief. without specifically stating it, I think 86 4runner was talking about the people who abuse the system, and don't really need it, but are manipulating things to get something for nothing. I have to agree with what he said (in principle), because it steams me to think that I'm working 2 jobs, and taking time away from my family so that I can support someone who is just too lazy to work.

I was just reviewing my most recent paystub, and doing the quick math, realized that I paid more in taxes so far this year than some people make in a whole year. While I personally don't mind helping those who are trying hard, but can't help themselves, I do have a problem with paying for someone's laziness.

If these people put half the energy into doing a job that they put into getting out of working, they would probably be pretty darn good employee's, and make a decent living to boot.

Erik :usa:
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:headscratch:   This is about drivers licenses? How did we get on welfare? :dunno:

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Not sure...I suppose it's just the natural evolution of the thread....

Erik :usa:
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I saw this show about the California Border Patrol and they had this truck with this night vision thing on it and guns mouted on top and in the show it showed the illegals running into these bushes and then you can see the tracer bullets and you can see the family's heat spread out all over the ground...that is not a good way to handle this, but if there was a humane way to tag them and if they come back find a way to deal with them.
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I saw this show about the California Border Patrol and they had this truck with this night vision thing on it and guns mouted on top and in the show it showed the illegals running into these bushes and then you can see the tracer bullets and you can see the family's heat spread out all over the ground...that is not a good way to handle this, but if there was a humane way to tag them and if they come back find a way to deal with them.

Killing people who come into this country illegally is NOT the answer.  I do believe that if they are caught they should be finger printed and photographed.  The same way we would be treated if we broke the law.  A criminal search should be done on them.  While the search is being done they should be detained.

The United States is at war right now.  Anyone entering our country illegally should be concidered an enemy until proven different.  Anyone wanting a visa to come to the U.S. should be investigated for criminal actions or associtation with anti-american groups.

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Interestingly, back in the early 1980's, the Navy wanted to show how powerful thier radar was on the Aegis class cruisers. They parked one off the coast about 100 miles, and flipped the switch. They saw several hundred illeagals crossing the border, just by the metal in their belt buckles! Pretty wild Huh?

Killing people who come into this country illegally is NOT the answer.  I do believe that if they are caught they should be finger printed and photographed.  The same way we would be treated if we broke the law.  A criminal search should be done on them.  While the search is being done they should be detained.

The United States is at war right now.  Anyone entering our country illegally should be concidered an enemy until proven different.  Anyone wanting a visa to come to the U.S. should be investigated for criminal actions or associtation with anti-american groups.

I totally agree. While we are at war, our borders should be COMPLETLY closed, and any application for entrance should be carefully scrutinized. Anyone caught coming across the border illeagally should be detained and processed appropriatley, then sent back to wherever they came from, unless there is reason to believe they are a true enemy, then they should be processed as a prisoner of war.

On another note, I just saw something on TV last night about an illegal who has apparently killed 3 people, and abducted his 2 kids in Az. This guy already has a long rap-sheet for violent crime, but according to the Az laws, they cannot deport him...WTF!!!??? Sounds like piss poor planning if you ask me. They should have kicked his a$$ out-a-here a long time ago!

Erik :usa:
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Read an article a month or so ago in Time magazine i think it was, talked about how border state farmers and ranchers are taking up arms, and patrolling their property.  They are loosing animals, vehicles, and property to hunger, vandalism, anf theft.  One man in particular had his tires stolen of his work truck, just to recognize them in town (20 miles away) the next day in front of a pawn shop.  He knew it was illegals, because they had also killed and cooked one of his cows, and had left tracks traced back to the border.  It is getting to the point of vigilantism in  some areas, and that needs to stop, for the safety of the american citzens, and the safety of the illegals crossing.  We need to close our borders effectively, and streamline the process of allowing people into our country, lettign the safe ones in, but the criminals, the drug dealers, the terrorists out. 

I am not speaking agaist hispanics in anyway, I felt the article's contents were relevant, and I mean no offense to any of the hispanic members of this board, or anyone else for that matter.  I feel that all illegal immigrants are a problem.   :beerchug:
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Interestingly, back in the early 1980's, the Navy wanted to show how powerful thier radar was on the Aegis class cruisers. They parked one off the coast about 100 miles, and flipped the switch. They saw several hundred illeagals crossing the border, just by the metal in their belt buckles! Pretty wild Huh?

I totally agree. While we are at war, our borders should be COMPLETLY closed, and any application for entrance should be carefully scrutinized. Anyone caught coming across the border illeagally should be detained and processed appropriatley, then sent back to wherever they came from, unless there is reason to believe they are a true enemy, then they should be processed as a prisoner of war.

On another note, I just saw something on TV last night about an illegal who has apparently killed 3 people, and abducted his 2 kids in Az. This guy already has a long rap-sheet for violent crime, but according to the Az laws, they cannot deport him...WTF!!!??? Sounds like piss poor planning if you ask me. They should have kicked his a$$ out-a-here a long time ago!

Erik :usa:

They shouldn't deport him, he needs to be in jail. If they send him back to Mexico, he'll just be back tommorrow. He broke the law in the US and should be punished here. Not in some Mexico prison if they would even put him in one since the crimes he commetted were here.
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On another note, I just saw something on TV last night about an illegal who has apparently killed 3 people, and abducted his 2 kids in Az. This guy already has a long rap-sheet for violent crime, but according to the Az laws, they cannot deport him...WTF!!!??? Sounds like piss poor planning if you ask me. They should have kicked his a$$ out-a-here a long time ago!

Erik :usa:

Yup.....the guy killed his wife, brother in law and one other person.  He was said to be armed and dangerous.  They believe he went back to Mexico.

Here (AZ) a while back there was a guy that detained 5 or 6 illegals at a rest stop.  He called the police and told the police what he was doing.  That he had these people on the ground and at gun point.  The police showed up gathered up the illegals and arrested the guy that held them at gun point.  The attorney general and the sheriff said he was making a citizens arrest and what he did was legal.  He was released.

Just yesterday a group of Mexican Americans (they are a group of attorneys and citzens) were protesting that the man who detained the 5 or 6 illegals should be charged with a crime.  The attorney general and the sheriff both said again he didn't committ a crime.

The reason for the protest, as I see it, was because it was very high profile.  The group didn't want everyone to think they could detain illegals, so they wanted the man arrested.


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What some people may not know, it is legal to carry in Arizona, so by him holding them at gunpoint would be legal. Here in Calieforunia you'd go to jail.

Note: yes this is the new way to spell California, thanks to Arnold
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What some people may not know, it is legal to carry and Arizona, so by him holding them at gunpoint would be legal. Here in Calieforunia you'd go to jail.

:headscratch:  Carrying was not the problem, detaining was the problem.  Yes, you can carry a gun in Arizona.  There are some conditions (very few) but you can carry.  You do not need a license to carry.  You do need a license to carry concealed.


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:headscratch:  Carrying was not the problem, detaining was the problem.  Yes, you can carry a gun in Arizona.  There are some conditions (very few) but you can carry.  You do not need a license to carry.  You do need a license to carry concealed.

You can detain anyone, anytime and hold them for the police. But you better be ready to go to court and testify too. Any person can detain someone that has broken a law and hold them. Granted you should not try to stop the person from leaving creating a situation that may break any law such as using a gun here in Cali, but hey it's legal in Az.
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Killing people who come into this country illegally is NOT the answer.

Funny but I agree with that.  If you kill them before they get across the border they wont be here illegely now would they?  Its not like you'd have to kill them all, just the first 2-500.  After that they'd get the measage Im sure. ;)
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I think that by killing the illegal imigrants before they come into this country is the answer. I thought this was AMERICA!!!!!!!!!!!!!
killem en grillem


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Funny but I agree with that.  If you kill them before they get across the border they wont be here illegely now would they?  Its not like you'd have to kill them all, just the first 2-500.  After that they'd get the measage Im sure. ;)

lol.....well we do have diplomatic ties to Mexico.  I am sure that shooting Mexican Nationals in their own country would have some definite reprocussions.  Ahhhh....they (the American Feds) would be looking for those responsible.  You know how politics are. :dunno:


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They should just shoot them, shoot them all.......

............with rubber bullets and beanbags, maybe they could come up with a Claymoore that just hurts like crazy too. :laugh: Seriously, I still say they should come up with some sort of work program that allows people to come here to work and then return to Mexico, make it where they can come work for up to a year and then have to go home for 3-6 mos. before being able to return. I still don't seeing anything solving the illegal issue though since if they were allowed in legally, people that hire them would have to pay at least minimum wage and that's what they don't want. You see those guys standing on the street corners waiting for work? Do you think they get minimum wage? I don't, I must admit to grabbing up a few here and there to do some work around the house and help me to move, but they get more than minimum wage from me too. Some may say I shouldn't do this but think of it this way, if I were to hire a landscaping co. or a moving co. I'd get one of two things a bunch of lazy don't want to work employee's of the company I hired or they'd be going out and getting those same guys at the street corner that are willing to work, and work hard and as quickly as possible since I told them ahead of time how much I would pay them to do what I need done. Plus I don't think anyone making minimum wage would walk away with $100.00 for a days work.
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Yea and just look at all we've gained from being tied to mexico too.  Uhhhhhh ummmm  huh, funny but I cant think of a single solitary damned thing.  Go figure.  Close the borders, stop being the worlds big brother and we'll survive.  If we keep going at the same rate we are now we're doomed.

Rocksurfer we did that exact program of bussing them over in the morning and bussing them home in the evening.  It didnt work. ;)
Full hydro, 186:1 with an auto and 44's what could go wrong??


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Yea and just look at all we've gained from being tied to mexico too.  Uhhhhhh ummmm  huh, funny but I cant think of a single solitary damned thing.  Go figure.  Close the borders, stop being the worlds big brother and we'll survive.  If we keep going at the same rate we are now we're doomed.

Rocksurfer we did that exact program of bussing them over in the morning and bussing them home in the evening.  It didnt work. ;)

I didn't think it would since moving those jobs that they were coming here for down there didn't work either. It's all about quality of life, we've got it better here and they want a piece of it. Maybe our government should impose sanctions or tarriffs on products made in Mexico that are sold here, then give that $ back to the people themselves instead of the corrupt Mexico government. Then we may be able to keep them in Mexico since if we don't give them that money they are on the way to the US anyways.
The Ghost-Rider/Ghost Runner

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