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Re: presidential election
« on: Oct 22, 2007, 09:52:03 PM »
blackdog thats a good point to bring up (i've used it a few times as well) about militias. the day that a guy turns 18 he is required to join the selective services, basicly states that if there is a draft that you will go if they call your number. the moment you do that YOU ARE IN A MILITIA. women are currently exempt from this (though they can join the military as well you dont sign up for the draft) but that could change. the last couple of elections (only ones i've really been old enough to follow) were about choosing the lesser of 2 evils. bush is like a child that has found his dads gun when it comes to using the military, has SOME idea of what it can do but not much and does not really know how to use it. better choice than kerry was though. we need somebody in office who realizes that the military is not a toy and is not designed to be a police force. it is a military force that currently is having its limbs cut off by our political leaders. most politicians have no problem with sending the military off to somewhere if it will benefit the politicians because they have no family in any kind of active duty military. what do they care they never met the soldiers, they dont know anybody from that kinda backround (middle class usually) so it doesnt matter to them.

we need a president who is not afraid to admit if they have relations with oil companies. i dont care if they do, its a way to make alot of money but do not use your powers as president to help you make money. if they want to do something about reducing the prison population, repeat offenders, and prison violence make chain gangs an option in all states. currently only arizona and colorado do that and their population in prison (and violence) is dropping rapidly. why? because the only channels that are on tv (since its required to be available in prisons) are disney and cnn. tent camps outside for the cons instead of staying indoors in the ac during the summer time. they have to pay for their food which is around 12 cents a meal, in arizona they have pink underwear that they have to wear, free time is basicly eliminated, weight lifting is no longer allowed, prisoners complain about how their rights are being stripped from them and the goveners of these 2 states DONT CARE. its not politically correct, its how prison used to be, no longer a free ride where you can sit on ur butt all day and not have any bills to pay. people wonder why there are so many repeat offenders out there. the only presidential hopefulls i would like to see as president have almost no chance of making it because they arent politically correct and are not the richest. the majority of the people support these hopefulls, but dont voice their opinions and thats why we end up with such bad choices. the minority groups know who to complain to and dont let up. the majority is too busy having to go to work from 9-5 to even have a chance to voice their opinions to the right people.
read and comment :whip:



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