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Re: presidential election
« on: Oct 22, 2007, 09:21:56 PM »
i didnt even go to the post office, i registered online with the selective services the day i turned 18.

i've learned to bring up alot of points in debates, my oldest sister has almost the complete opposite view of me and the rest of the family and she's a lawyer so loves to debate. irritates me when liberals/democrats scream and whine and threaten until things go their way and if you mention that they did any of it they say you arent being politically correct (a term created by democrats actually, put in common person terms it basicly means "to pick up a turd by the clean end") and start the whole yelling and threatening thing again. great example of them making threats is in california with the recent law that was signed in. basicly says all morals are to be eliminated from public schools in order to not offend the gay community. you can go to the locker room/shower/bathroom that you associate yourself with (so guys can go in the girls locker room and viceaversa now), statements that define parents as being a mother and a father are now outlawed as well (this passed a few days ago, sickening), sexual education must also list "alternative" forms of sexuality and state that it is acceptable such as gays, transexuals. wierd thing is, the vast majority of the people in california are normal. the tiny minority is the only voice ever heard though, and their influence is spreading to the rest of the country.

thats why i want a man such as tancredo for example to get elected to office. i agree with some of his plans like securing our borders, but the main reason i support him is because he doesnt care about being politically correct and he actually listens to what his supporters say. has anybody here ever seen that movie "man of the year" with robin williams where he plays the comedian that wins the presidential election? there is a scene where he is in a debate with the other presidential hopefuls and he's making a speech that is entirely politically uncorrect. he voices his opinions and doesnt care what the others think. we NEED somebody like that to shake up the system and bring our elected officials back to reality. our government on almost every level does not listen to the people. the state of Texas finally is starting to come to its senses again, shooting down legislation to create a highway from mexico-canada, making self-defense with a weapon an option again instead of having it where you had to warn the person repeatedly to back away or to stop beating you. how it was until about a year ago, somebody tries to yank you out of your vehicle at gunpoint and threatens to kill your wife/girlfriend/or you. you would have to back away and tell them (if your armed) that you are and that they should back away. now (thankfully), somebody comes up to you with a weapon pointed at you and threatens to use it or to hurt your passangers, you have the full right to defend yourself with lethal force. if you come across somebody that is being attacked you can defend them as needed, before you couldnt.

to my last post about the legislation in cali heres a link to the info , disturbing.
« Last Edit: Oct 22, 2007, 10:02:51 PM by red »
read and comment :whip:



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