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Re: presidential election
« on: Oct 22, 2007, 05:50:22 PM »
look at their views and plans for what they want to do while in office. Hitlery wants socialized health care and points to Canada as her example. yes look at Canada and speak to Canadians about their health care IT SUCKS!!! average wait time to have an operation done or specialized health care is 1 1/2-2 years, this includes incidents such as needed major heart surgery, spinal injury, etc. things that most of the time you cannot afford to wait that kinda time, because you will probably be dead or suffering from permanent damage.

democrats dont want civilians to own guns because they cause violence (their statement). if guns cause violence i can blame misspelled words on my pencil (larry the cable guy said that)! yes gun control works, look at how britians and australia's violent crime rates skyrocketed when gun control was passed (and still phenominally high with no signs of slowing down). look  at 2 countries that had complete gun control with a controling government, Germany and Russia during WWII. what happened here? oh nothing, Hitler just slaughtered millions of people and Stalin did the same, you know not that it matters, its in the past and was done by crazy people (what democrats want you to believe, that it could never happen again). personally, they can have my guns after they pry them from my cold dead fingers. alot of democrats claim that the 2nd amendment to the constitution is relating to the national guard. funny, i guess the forefathers could predict the future that there would be a national guard since it wasnt created until over 130 years later.

many democrats dont want the border closed because illegals provide a cheap source of labor for farmers. average pay of illegals doing farm work is 10 dollars per hour. farmer can use "chain gangs" from the prison system, the good behavior cons, at .10 cents per hour with 1 guard for every 10 cons being payed an average of 18 dollars per hour. so 10 illegals would be 100 dollars an hour, and 10 cons and 1 guard would be 19 dollars an hour. which is cheaper and has the added bonus of reducing the prison population because they are no longer getting a free ride?

:clap: very good comments Red! :thumbs:

An interesting thing to bring up in an arguement with a gun control advocate.  (I've used this, and it works :gap: )  Personally, to me it is sound logic :thumbs:

first, a few definitions:

the second amendment, as posted on the national archives website:

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

The definition of a militia, as stated by the American heritage dictionary, on

American Heritage Dictionary - Cite This Source - Share This mi·li·tia       (mə-lĭsh'ə)  Pronunciation Key 
An army composed of ordinary citizens rather than professional soldiers.
A military force that is not part of a regular army and is subject to call for service in an emergency.
The whole body of physically fit civilians eligible by law for military service.

Now, a common arguement that comes up with gun control advocates is that militias are out dated, they don't exist, due to us having a professional fighting force, as well as a national guard, reserves, etc.  And seeing as the 2nd amendent is designed for militias, it too is outdated and unnecessary.  Now, according to the definition of a militia, it is an army composed of ordinary citzens or a force not part of a regular army, but called into service at a time of emergency.(National Guard?  :dunno:  Reserves?  :dunno: )    Or my personaly favorite, the whole body of physically fit civilians eligible for military service.  Any of the other men on here recall signing your life away at your 18th birthday, making you eligible for the draft, and in that case, eligible to be called up to military service?  sounds to me like there is a militia still in the US, and it is just a strong as ever.  :dunno:  Oh, and just to throw in a little equal rights stuff, seeing as every man at 18 is eligible for military service, and can thusly own guns, we have to be fair and say that women can own guns as well.  :thumbs:

just my :twocents:

Frankly there isn't much chance that a giant jerk or turd sandwich will do anything that benefits me or the citizens of this country (or any other) significantly, so I plan on "throwing away my vote" and voting for the candidate whom I feel is best qualified, best equipped, and/or most aligned with my political views.  Crazy, I know, but *if* enough people did the same thing, we could get away from the current jerk-and-turd system.

:thumbs: fully agree with you there. :yesnod:
:usa: Its better to die on your feet than live on your knees :usa:

"Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free. "

"I don't believe in a government that protects us from ourselves."
              -Ronald Reagan

Don't take life too seriously, it isn't permanent


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