Author Topic: Do You Support Home Schooling ?  (Read 13862 times)

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Re: Do You Support Home Schooling ?
« Reply #30 on: May 04, 2008, 10:45:57 AM »

 i could go on and on. there is a consequence for everything. why is that?

Um, because that is how life works?  :dunno:  Everything you do has consequences, whether good or bad.  Sometimes they make take a while to catch up, but they do.  

so im not going to go through and read all this. but from the title i will share how i feel about public schools seeing as i just got out  at the end of the 07 school year...

the public school system is not set up for success. i feel that it dumbs down kids for the simple fact that they are FORCED to take classes that are pointless and have no way shape or form on life in general. why are there not more career orientated classes these days? and why are the few classes that are career classes getting shut down? its not okay. the school system is set up and run like a prison also. you have to be in class at a certain time, you have to ask to use the rest room, you have a certain amount of time to shuffle between classes, if your tardy your in trouble, its enclosed in a giant ass fence that you cant leave during hours or you get a cut, suspended and a :pokinit: ton of detention, i could go on and on. there is a consequence for everything. why is that?

i would have preferred to go to home school because i would have been able to work and make money while going to school. yeah i would still need to take the waste of time classes, but at least during the day im am using my time to do something productive and not just sit in class and learn how to cheat better on tests and learn how to get around the rules easier


School is what you make of it, and what the teachers make of it.  It is certainly the responsibility of the teacher to promote a postive learning environment, but without the effort put forth by students, the teachers will eventually give up.  IMO, school isn't designed to force specific things into your head, but to prepare you for the real world.  It teaches you to critical thinking skills, and gives you a wide base of general knowledge, to better allow you do figure out what you want to do later in life, and allow you to function well in day to day society.  

What classes are you calling pointless and dumb?
 All those math classes?  Look at how often we use numbers, and general math.  It is everywhere, from buying gas to measuring steel.  I can't tell you how often I go into a store, and the cashier doesn't even have the basic math skills needed to make change.  :headshake:

History?  You know the phrase "history repeats itself"?  Well, in my opinion it is true, and if you don't know where you came from, you're not going to have a good idea of where we are going.  Not to mention it is also a matter of honor and respect.  Our country, our world was forged by people who bled and cried, fought and died, to get us where we are today.  IMO, its a huge honor to their memory to learn what we can about them, their courage, their determination, and will to make this world a better place.  It is an opportunity to learn from their successes, their failures, their good and their bad.  

Foreign Language?  I am fully of the belief that if you come to this country, learning to speak english should be first thing on your agenda.  Many immigrants are here legally, and are trying to learn the language.  In the meantime, they still may need emergency medical care.  I mention this because you have expressed an interest in the fire service.  At some point in your career, you will come across someone who doesn't speak the same language as you.  You will be able to give them better care if you can speak the same language they do.  (I advocate spanish, because that is one of the predominate languages of CA, and it is also very common for other immigrants to learn spanish before coming to the US, because it is not full of contradictions in grammer, like english, and they know they can get along with spanish while learning english.

I think we've already busted your chops about that enough :gap:  To succeed in society, the better worded you are, the better off you'll be.  Things have changed a lot over the past few generations.  No longer is the amount of work you can do a good measurement of your viability of employment, but also how well you can test.  Many public service tests have grammer and reading comprehension as part of their tests, not to mention having to fill out an application, submit a resume, and participate in an interview.  If you cannot do any of these well, (grammer, spelling, punctuation, pronunciation, etc. ) you likely won't get hired.

Now those career classes that you are talking about, at my school, we had welding, auto shop, auto body, woodworking, and computer technology.  Needless to say, there are many, many more careers than those in the world.  I too think it is a shame that the career classes are going by the wayside, especially the shop classes, but unfortunately, that is mostly due to budgets, and also the change in the world.  Even welding, mechanics, and body work is becoming more specialized and technical as technology increases and more and more legal issues raise their ugly heads.  It is a lot harder now to walk into a shop straight out of HS, and say, "hey, I took 4 years of welding, can I work for you?"  Most shops would laugh, and say, "come back when you have some certificates."  Due to the legalism of the day, it is too much of  liability for the owners.  I'm not saying its right, but that is what the world is coming to.

As for the time structure of school, and having to ask to go to the bathroom, how do you think the real world is going to work?  You'll have start times, end times, and break times for pretty much any career you have.  No, you don't have to answer to anyone if you get up and go pee every 20 minutes, but that structure of school is designed to show you how to manage your time.  When you don't adhere to your work schedule, and get up and pee every 20 minutes, you are robbing your employer.  They pay you with the understanding that you'll be at work at 9, break at 1030, lunch at 12, break at 300, off at 5.  When you extend your breaks to 20minutes, you've gone outside the agreement.  When you get up to go pee every 20 minutes, you've gone outside that agreement.  When you BS with a coworker for 10 minutes, you've gone outside the agreement.  This isn't to say that you should spend your life working as a mindless drone, and that work can't be fun, but you have to consider the effect of your actions on your work.  

Now, your HS may have been different from mine in schedule (I doubt by much) but my classes were 55 minutes each, with an 8 minute passing period.  Lunch was 42 minutes long.  We started at 755, and got out at 240  Mabye its just me, but that seems to be plenty of time to hit the :toilet: between classes, because we all know high school kids don't :pokinit: at school, unless it is a dire emergency :hahaha:  

BTW, I graduated in 2003, so I'm not so far off.  My brother graduated in 2007 as well, and he had pretty much the same exact experience I did.  I don't think school has changed much in 5 years.
:usa: Its better to die on your feet than live on your knees :usa:

"Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free. "

"I don't believe in a government that protects us from ourselves."
              -Ronald Reagan

Don't take life too seriously, it isn't permanent


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