Author Topic: FOJV 8/11/08 Meeting Minutes.  (Read 1228 times)

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FOJV 8/11/08 Meeting Minutes.
« on: Aug 18, 2008, 10:05:08 PM »
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Friends of Johnson Valley
3rd Meeting. Monday, August 11, 2008
Sizzler Restaurant
1461 S. Rimpau Avenue
Corona, CA 92879

Meeting called to order, 7:30pm

Pledge of Allegiance


Military Expansion:

Dave reported that the last meeting with the Military was held the day after the last meeting of FOJV.  He said that from his personal perspective the military seemed to be very open with information and seemed to be genuinely interested in communicating with all interested parties.  They appeared to be willing to consider investigating expansion opportunities in areas other than Johnson Valley.  In attendance at the meeting were representatives from PFJV, people from the film commission, home owners, and rock hounds. 

Helen Baker (PFJV) offered an explanation of why the military had first considered JV over some of the other areas.  Areas to the east and south of the 29Palms base have been assigned some value for different reasons including, tortise habitat, historical and mining sites, and Indian historical sites.  The JV area, being an “open” area had none of these restrictions.  The military did not realize the value that the OHV area represented.  This is our job to educate them on this value.

As far as the official paperwork process, the military has not yet filed an application for withdraw, which is their next step.  In the time line released by the military this was expected to be done in mid August, 2008, so it may be coming at any time.  If the withdraw application is filed and it includes areas outside of JV we should consider that as a win in the battle to keep JV open.  If the application is filed with only the original maps seeking expansion only in the JV area, we can still fight in the NEPA process, it will not be the end for us.  One additional point that was offered is that the military may find that it cannot afford the costs that will be involved in such a large acquisition and could consider shelving the project entirely.  (Wouldn't that be great!)

Dave added that he had spoken with Greg Hoffman with the San Bernardino National Forrest (post meeting Google search has him as the OHV Adopt a Trail coordinator) and that Greg is against the closure of the JV OHV area.  The closure of JV could cause a potentially huge increase in OHV use in the Forrest which they may not be prepared to handle.


The latest information is that Florida Power and Light (FPL) is continuing to work on research for the project and writing the MOU with EcoLogic that was discussed in the last FOJV meeting. 

Dave stated that he thinks FOJV should back the local homeowners against the windmills, especially if we want their help with the Marine expansion.

Jerry Grabow (President AMA District 37) offered his opinion that if the BLM were to deny the permit, that they would surely be sued by FPL.  He explained that EcoLogic is working with FPL with the goal being NO fencing, or at least the absolute minimum fencing required to protect the FPL equipment.  He added that if they cannot reach an agreement on the fencing that the deal would not be approved.

John James suggested to make FPL have to sue.  Perhaps if the fight becomes too expensive they would look elsewhere for private land to build the project on.

Dave again suggested that the FOJV group join with the homeowners against the project.

Rich Wohlers explained that District 37 is not in favor of the windmill project, they just want to be able to negotiate to reduce the impact of the project, minimize the fencing, and get some money for the OHV community to mitigate the impacts that can't be avoided.  In fact, he is in favor of FOJV taking a stand against the project, realizing that if FOJV cannot stop the windmills that District 37 and EcoLogic will still be able to mitigate the loss.

In response to a question by John James, Meg Grossglass (ORBA) explained that the mitigation fund, if established, would be controlled by a board established with members of the parties that participated in the agreement.  If organizations such as Cal4wheel wished to join in the agreement they could have a seat on the board.  (For the record, Helen has stated that Cal4Wheel is against the project)

A vote was held by show of hands.  Attendees carried a motion for FOJV to officially oppose the windmill project.

John James asked when the next public meeting on the windmills will be.  Meg explained that the previous meetings were “scoping” meetings, for the public to submit comments to the BLM regarding the project.  The next step in the process will be for BLM to prepare a draft EIR.  At that point is is unclear if there will be additional public meetings, or if the public will submit comments on the draft EIR without meetings.  The BLM should make an announcement when the draft EIR is ready.

New Business

Website and Mission Statement:

Dave reported that the website is substantially complete, but that we still need a mission statement.  While he still feels that the goal should be “not one grain of sand” he is unsure about putting this in the mission statement.

Jerry offered that in the political world, as soon as a group takes a hard line, drawing a line in the sand, politicians will begin to view them as a radical, inflexible group that they will not want to work, or even be associated with.

Dave agreed that in order to be more successful, FOJV should consider adopting a moderate image, but work with radical actions.  We need to have a mission statement and public image that others are comfortable throwing their support to.

This topic was concluded with Dave asking for suggestions for a mission statement.  Email suggestions can be sent to Dave at  (or to myself at

Steering Committee /  Board of Directors:

In order to establish some additional organization to the group, to assign responsibilities, and in an effort to make more noticeable progress on the issues, Dave solicited nominations/volunteers to be on the Steering Committee / Board of Directors.  All who were nominated were willing to serve, and those willing to volunteer were accepted.  The members are as follows in no particular order (with associations listed if I got them.  Let me know if you are on the list and I missed your association or got it wrong.)

Dave Cole, continuing as President
Donald Gerber, continuing as Secretary (Rock Brawlers)

Helen Baker, PFJV
Jerry Grabow, Dist. 37
Meg Grossglass (ORBA)
John James (Tin Benders)
Rick Rethoret (NAXJA)
Rich Wholers (Dist. 37)
Michael Opper
Michael Cox


Dave mentioned that a listing of the homeowners in Johnson Valley was available for us to use, suggesting that we could use it to contact individuals to get our message out.  There was some discussion about what the “focus” of FOJV should be, considering the already established role of PFJV.  The consensus was that FOJV should focus on the “motorized” aspects and that we will partner with the homeowners on issues that affect us both.

John James with get with Harry Baker (PFJV) to further investigate the use of the homeowner contact info to get our message to the local residents.

Rick Rethoret will contact Jim Knox who was already begun investigating the legal setup of FOJV, including non-profit status, and banking.

Mike Opper will contact Scott VanDell and Chris Schutt who have already begun work on the website.  The mission statements needs to be incorporated, and they will look into the possibility of a message board.

Michael Cox will compile a contact info resource for desert racing groups since this is the area of his experience.

John James suggested having FOJV meetings in the high desert, Victorville area.  Dave agreed that this was a possibility for the future, but that in order to establish some kind of consistency that we will plan to have the next monthly meeting back at the same location, the Sizzler in Corona on the same schedule.  The second Monday of the month will be September 8, 2008 for the next meeting.


Dave took a moment to report to the group as the President of Hammer King Productions that they have decided to include a public service announcement on the upcoming King of the Hammers 2008 DVD regarding FOJV and the JV issues.  In addition, they will be donating a portion of the proceeds from the sale of the DVD to FOJV.

He also explained that Hammer King Productions has received some communications voicing concerns about the effects of the race causing damage to the Hammers trails.  As a result of this, they have decided to organize a post race trail restoration and cleanup that will take place the day after the race.  The area will be left in better condition than it was found.

Meeting adjourned approximately 9:30pm.


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