Author Topic: You're WRONG Gore! WRONG! ....discuss....  (Read 11982 times)

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Re: You're WRONG Gore! WRONG! ....discuss....
« Reply #60 on: May 30, 2008, 09:57:47 PM »
Arrrggghhhhh Here we go again!

Man made global warming is just stupid. The primary reason that Gore and his merry band of idiots will not enter a debate, is because they know that when their position is scrutenized closely, it will not stand up because their argument is full of holes bigger than the atlantic ocean. This is his way of trying to control not just the US, but the entire world. I guarantee you that he is making insane amounts of money because of his championing this ill concieved BS. This is political and ideological terrorism, that is way more dangerous and scarry than anything those Al Queda martyrs can come up with. He (Gore) is essentially trying to bring the US economy, as well as the global economy to a stand still. He stands to reap huge financial and political power if he is able to keep this alive. What I can't believe is that those knuckle heads in Oslo (and I'm Norwiegan!) gave this idiot a Nobel Prize for some movie that doesn't even try to cover its bias. It completley debases the whole Nobel Prize, because anyone (I'll get to this part in a bit) can see that it was just a political way to give Gore some clout as a spokesman for the cause. It just irritates me to no end that there are so many closed minded people out there, who will not take a chance to learn something new, and re-evaluate their position. That is the whole purpose of science in the first place, to make a suggestion, test it, and then re-evaluate their position based on reproduceable testing.

Now, on to "anyone". This I think sort of ties in to what Diane was speaking about earlier. I think the human race is doomed. I strongly doubt it has much to do with over population per se, as much as the overall percentage of idiots. {caveat: This is a generalization, which is intended to make a point. I know that there are several exceptions to the "rule"}. 200 years ago, the truly stupid people were not able to reproduce, because they couldn't figure out how to stay alive long enough to pass on their genes. As we became more industrialized, and more socialized, we created an artificial environment that was now safe enough for these idiots to grow old enough to procreate. Unfortunatly, they are not smart enough to understand that Stupid + Stupid = stupid, and they should probably limit their reproduction to 1 or 2 at the most. They often will have 4-5-6 kids, and since a fairly large percentage of them are also on the govenment payroll (welfare), they are rewarded for their ability to pop out kids.

The intelligent people understand that it takes time, money and lots of love to raise a child to become a productive member of society, and they also understand that they have limited resources to accomplish this, and so they tend to have fewer children. as a generalized average, they usually have 2-3 kids at most (I know, there are exceptions).

doing the simple math 5 idiots to 2 intelligent kids, does not bode well for the human race. Soon (Probably not in our life times, but certainly within the next 2-3 generations) we (humans) will see the development of 2 very distinct classes: The intelligent, teachable class, who will go on to be the ruling class, and the unintelligent, unteachable class, who will either do the menial, toiling jobs or will become another drain on society.

I don't know that there is a good answer to this, but maybe putting some type of birth control in the public water supply, and then having to pass a means test to be able to get bottled water might be a solution.

While we're at it, I'll bet if we all (on this board) bought one carbon credit, then tied Gore to a stake and burned him, it would come out about equal.

Just my  :blah: on the subject.

* Regardless of what happens, someone will find a way to take it too seriously.
* 2% rule: Must be 2% smarter than what your working on.
* If you make something even a fool can use, only a fool will use it.
* I've been crapping in the woods longer than lil'buddy has been alive!


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