Author Topic: Driver's License for Illeagal aliens !!! :shocking:  (Read 35924 times)

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Some excerpts from another article I found relating to this: (my comments in parenthasies)

DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) - In the name of homeland security, motorists are going to see costs skyrocket for driver's licenses and motor vehicle offices forced to operate like local branches of the FBI, the nation's governors warn.

The new federal law squeezed this spring into an $82 billion spending bill had Republican and Democrat governors fuming at their summer meeting here, and vowing to bring their complaints to Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff at a Monday meeting.

"It's outrageous to pass this off on the states," said Republican Mike Huckabee of Arkansas, incoming chairman of the National Governors Association. "You're essentially asking the front-line clerks at the DMV to become an INS agent and a law enforcement agent." (Shouldn't we all be keeping our guard up? It's our country, and it's all of our responsibility to protect it....)

The law that passed in June goes beyond an earlier law that sought to standardize state driver's licenses, requiring that states verify license applicants are American citizens or legal residents. ( I think this is a good idea personally)

"This is going to drive the cost of driver's licenses for ordinary folks through the roof," said Democrat Tom Vilsack of Iowa. "I think it's going to drive people crazy." (depends how much it increases. A few bucks per person would be worth it)

The law would demand skills of motor vehicle office clerks far beyond what is currently expected, governors said.
(IMHO, not much is expected as of now, look at some of the other drivers on the road who have no buisness being there....Maybe this will encourage them to do their jobs better?)

Democrat Bill Richardson of New Mexico said the law, known as the REAL ID Act, unconstitutionally infringed upon state laws such as his, where illegal immigrants have been able to get licenses.

New Mexico's approach made roads safer since licensed immigrants could get insured, helped the state keep track of immigrants, and also helped integrate immigrants into the community, he said. (I'd have to research this some, but not sure I agree that the roads are safer...As for keeping track of immigrants it may help some. Integration is certainly possible, but I'd like to see more info on it.)

"It's a shortsighted, ill-conceived initiative," Richardson said. "We'll challenge it constitutionally." (sounds like a knee-jerk response to me)

***My commentary ***
It sounds like a good plan to me, although I don't have all the facts. I think alot would depend on how much the increases would be, and how would it impact everyone. Would be interesting to see some statistics from New Mexico that show any real benefit from providing licenses to illegal aliens.

Erik :usa:

« Last Edit: Jul 18, 2005, 12:17:57 PM by germ »
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i've driven through southern new mexico and gotta say that it hasnt helped with the road safety at all.
read and comment :whip:



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Red, a lot of that is ego and pride, but we all still need to be respectful though. You seem to do ok with that. :dunno:
thank you, respect is what i grew up with, you give respect you get respect. basic principle in getting along with anyone, even tho you may have different views on certain issues.
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Interesting. Unfortunatly there are a lot of people who do the exact same thing. I know of several who work "under the table" so that they can continue to get state assistance. It's wrong!

The problem is that we have created a system of entitlement. People will scream if you take away what they are "entitled" to. If you ask me, anyone who is on welfare, food stamps, medi-cal (state medical insurance) etc, they should have to work for the state in some capacity so that they earn their assistance. There would need to be exceptions for those who are mentally/physically incapable of doing this, but I think we could weed alot of abusers out of the system this way. Also, if they mandated a co-pay for the medical insurance, it wouuld make people think twice before going to the ER for bull$h!t stuff. (just as an example, we had a lady take an ambulance to the ER this weekend so that she could get a prescription filled that she had received the night before when she took an ambulance in because she had a cold. We had to see her again due to fedral law. She racked up almost $1400 just in ambulance bills, which doesn't even accouont for the bills in the ER....for a cold! Guess who's paying that tax payers).

Well the way it is designed is to help someone incapable of working like a single mother or someone incapable of getting a regular job, but once on it there are really no checks and balances to make sure this situation is still occurring. Once on the system as long as you don't get caught breaking any rules they in. Now if you are physically disabled you'd be entitled to Social Security. Now SS is a sore point for me, my wife had here neck broken about 11 years ago at work. She is now permanently disabled and should be entitled to her SS, she was denied only because I work and make enough to support us. This would be fine except she is supposed to be entitled to it if she is disabled. The whole system is screwy, you can't get what you are entitled to, only because she is married. Yeah sure her school paid her full pay for 1 year and then she went on workmans for another so we had time to adjust, but still we had to lose a lot of stuff to survive. I used to have 4 Toyota 4x4's in my stable of trucks and now am lucky to have what I do. 

Your absolutely right. This will not solve the problem at all. One of the basic rules is that you have to be a citizen of the society to reap any of the rewards of that society. People who are here illegally have no right to the rewards. If they want to make a better life for themselves, I'm in complete support of that, but do it correctly. Obtaining a drivers license is a reward for being a legal member of the society after you have proven (although it doesn't take much anymore unfortunately) that you know and can follow the rules of the road, and navigate a vehicle safely. Obtaining a license does not guarantee that they will have insurance (as you very clearly pointed out). It just creates a new class of driver.

Erik :usa:

Funny thing about this discussion, I was listening to KNX (news radio) and there was a item in the terrorist bill that just passed that makes us get a federal I.D. I guess the way they are going to do it is through your D.L. They are going to conduct backrounds checks on everyone, to insure you belong having one. The bad thing they said is one it has no funding so the cost will be on you and me, and the next time your D.L./I.D. expires you must report to the D.M.V. for a new one. That means you won't be able to do the mail-in renewal.

Can you imagine the lines? :yikes:
« Last Edit: Jul 18, 2005, 07:55:50 PM by Rocksurfer »
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rocksurfer thats messed up that ur wife cant get SS. my dad is a polio survivor, gets social security, and my mom is a librarian.
i heard on the news today about the new drivers license starting supposedly in 08, say its gonna cost 3 times what it does now.
read and comment :whip:



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