Author Topic: Re: Mormon POWAH!  (Read 14675 times)

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Re: Re: Mormon POWAH!
« Reply #120 on: Jan 15, 2007, 11:31:37 AM »
This thread is all over the place.. this IS a 4wheeling forum.. but this is Chit Chat Camp yo! This means we talk about others things too!

I will be the first to reveal the errors of mormonism having been in it for many years, and having been a "temple" mormon...

I now teach on the subject locally at Christian High school... church classes... bible studies.. on the street.. whatever.. I dont do it because I dislike mormons.. I do it because they are lost! Just like anyone else who doesnt believe in Jesus Christ and the Bible.. I will talk about it! There is only one way to Heaven.. and it doesnt matter how good you are.. what works you do... nothing.. its only through Jesus Christ.. sorry.. not just my opinion..

Truth doesnt change depending on who carries it... truth is truth no matter what.


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Re: Re: Mormon POWAH!
« Reply #121 on: Jan 15, 2007, 10:11:53 PM »
mormon's don't drink caffeine?

None of the ones I've known have.  Something to do with not taking "hot or strong drink" IIRC...and alcohol and caffiene are apparently considered strong.  Coffee is, naturally, both hot and strong (when brewed correctly) and thus not terribly popular.

It's a confusing religion to me, but then, most religions are.  I'm in the undecided camp, and the more I learn about most religions, the less I want to do with them.  They seem to have too much focus on other people's behavior, and not enough on the values and actions of the indivdual.  I explored Mormonism when dating a Mormon girl many years ago.  The missionaries the church sent to talk with me weren't prepared to start at zero, since I had no basic Christian faith for them to build on, so we didn't get far.  The girl later left me because I was not in her church.  She started stripping shortly thereafter and went downhill from there.  Despite that experience, I do have a couple of less confused friends active in the LDS church...none of which are likely to embark on a career of exotic dancing.

Just like anyone else who doesnt believe in Jesus Christ and the Bible.. I will talk about it! There is only one way to Heaven.. and it doesnt matter how good you are.. what works you do... nothing.. its only through Jesus Christ.. sorry.. not just my opinion..

Truth doesnt change depending on who carries it... truth is truth no matter what.

This is a big thing I don't understand, and am not comfortable with, about religions in general.  They are all so certain that their views are 100% correct, and are the ONLY true POVs.  Let's just say the odds are against them all being correct.  How am I supposed to know whom to believe?

I do feel strongly that my actions in daily life and how I treat other people ought to carry more value than which book I read or where I go on Sunday morning.  I can't understand how a person who lives a terrible life hurting others, but claims a belief in a specific religion or savior, can be better rewarded than one who does good all their life, but doesn't claim a religion, or even refutes it.  I don't think it's realistic to expect that person to take the advice of just anyone knocking on his door with a bible in his hand.  But then, I guess that is another topic for another day.

Thankfully, everybody is free to worship (or not) as they please.  So long as they're not hurting anybody else or spreading it where it's not invited, I don't care if they want to sing hymns, or cover themselves with ashes, or dance nekkid around a pentagram in their backyard, as long as they put up a decent fence and keep the goat blood spatter to a minimum.

Feel free to edit or delete if this is too far OT.


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Re: Mormon POWAH!
« Reply #122 on: Jan 15, 2007, 11:10:05 PM »
 :hammerhead: :hammerhead: :hammerhead:

This is comedy I grew up Catholic. It took me a while to figue out that ALL main stream religion is FULL OF :pokinit:!!!!!! All they are after is money and power.



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Re: Re: Mormon POWAH!
« Reply #123 on: Jan 16, 2007, 08:06:31 AM »
As far as the caffiene goes.. my mormon s-mother-n-law still stashes pepsi in her closet :)

The difference between all the other religions and Christianity is that we have the Bible.. THe Bible is the most scrutinzed book on the face of the planet.. yet it has been yet to be proven false! In fact.. everyday its proven true... its proven archeologically, scientifically, and most powerfully.. prophetically... no other book makes the bold prophecies that the Bible does.. because if it did.. then it would be proven false! Just like the Mormons Doctrines and Covenants... there are prophecies in there that have been shown to be false..  thats why I can know for 100% that I will go to Heaven when I die.. and not just reincarnate.. or turn into atmospheric energy.. or some other stupid option...

FINDING GOD WITHIN MYSELF!!! hahahaahahaha thats the dumbest thing I have ever heard! Thank God that I worship a God that is perfect and all powerful and not someone like myself that fails a lot, has bad knees..  a little over weight.. and cant perform miracles!


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