Author Topic: OBAMACARE  (Read 7748 times)

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« on: Mar 19, 2010, 08:52:57 PM »
Hmmm, lets figure this out real quick here, it is real easy. Lets do a Soviet Union/United States Comparison.

The Soviet Union tore down their wall between countries, we built one.

With the fall of that wall socialism as they knew it also fell, ours is increasing.

Jusidiction was controlled by the centalized government until the fall of the wall, though still controlled centrally they have become more and more regional (state run), we on the other hand have lost those jurisdiction lines that kept other states out of our business.

The individual regions were run by a centralized government that controlled everything until that wall fell, until we built that wall we were a decentralized indepentantly run state operation. Recently we are becoming more and more a centralized run government, with the states losing more control.

It seems to me that we are headed towards a Soviet system compared to the Soviet's moving away from one. Soon we will be called the United Union and they will be called the Soviet States of Eurasia. Ronald Reagan is rolling over in his grave as we speak.

Health care was the problem of the state, some do have socialized health care some do not, now we will have it rammed down our throats. Have you ever had to deal with government health care? Just go visit any "county" run hospital and you'll see what the future has in store for us. Go to a private hospital and you'll see the difference, if this is passed all hospitals will end up like the typical "county" facility since their funds will be coming from them and not from insurance companies. Yes the health care system needs to be fixed but I don't see socialized as the answer, just check the search I did for a LA County Hospital MLK/Drew Medical......
The Ghost-Rider/Ghost Runner

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