Author Topic: A REALLY Inconvenient Truth  (Read 9276 times)

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Re: A REALLY Inconvenient Truth
« on: Apr 20, 2008, 12:22:39 PM »
Oh yes, Bush's economics plans are serving our country so well, gas over $4.00 a gallon, price of grain doubling in 2 months, not to mention an ungodly deficit, and recession on the horizon blah blah blah.
 Yes capitalism works it allows the American dream to be possible, although at this time Bush doesn't appear to be making it work to well.

You don't seriously think that the policies in place are the sole responsibility of President Bush, do you? Have you completely forgotten the Legislative branch of government? The President does not make law he only signs laws into being or vetoes them. The more we and the economy are regulated the worse off we are. You can think of regulation acting the same way as a throttle, as an obstruction…holding back the potential of an engine. A synonym for throttle is choke, as in to choke the life out of someone or something.

As for the price of fuel...the price is mainly set by speculators (not BIG OIL) and there are more forces at work than any one man's policy. Tension in the Middle East causes the spot market price to go up. Increased demand, world wide causes the spot market price to go up. OPEC sets a minimum price for oil then speculators can, through fear of supply interruptions or shortfalls, drive the price up. The current devalued status of the dollar has had the effect of driving up prices because we have to pay for it with dollars that are now worth 80 cents to import it. The dollar is devalued because of our national debt and because the Fed prints money when it thinks we need more to curb inflation or to spur investment. Too many dollars in a market can have the effect of causing the value of each dollar to be reduced. It’s supply and demand…a restricted supply of anything in demand will fetch a higher price than if you have an unfettered supply of that thing.
You want to stop inflation? Get a more sound monetary policy. Drill for our own oil...NOW. Modernize the oil infrastructure. Quit taking food out of people’s mouths to put in our fuel tanks. Quit bailing out financial institutions that are in trouble because of choices they made. Quit bailing out investors/speculators that have made poor choices. The markets will take care of themselves…if, we keep the government out of it.

The things that come to those who wait, may be the things left by those who got there first.

I contend that for a nation to try to tax itself into prosperity is like a man standing in a bucket and trying to lift himself up by the handle.
-- Winston Churchill

Censorship, that most subtle tool of oppression, the tool of the fearful and small minded. 8/15/2008

"It is interesting that we are asked to NOT judge all Muslims by the actions of a few lunatics. Too bad gun owners can't get same judgment."
Travis Tritt (I know!)


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