Author Topic: should i buy this bed for my first gen?  (Read 1197 times)

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Re: should i buy this bed for my first gen?
« on: Apr 10, 2008, 03:43:42 PM »
Its worth what you are willing to pay :thumbs:  

You're talking a 10 hour round trip, assuming 60 mph average (makes the math easier :gap: )  which means about 600 miles.  Using the GSA mileage reimbursement rate of .505 per mile, you're looking at spending about $300 to get the bed and to go home.  

The mileage reimbursement is used by the gov't to reimburse employees for travel expenses incurred on their vehicle.  Gas, other fluids, and general wear and tear are all figured in to get the amount per mile.  Granted, especially in this case, that it doesn't really apply, but it gives an idea of what something really costs when you have to go a distance to get it.  Now, your $350 bed is looking more like $650 when all is said and done.  Is it worth it?  Only you can decide.  Personally, I'd say no, because I've seen people toss beds away, because no one was interested.  
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