Author Topic: No More Day Laborers  (Read 7577 times)

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Re: No More Day Laborers
« Reply #60 on: May 09, 2006, 05:50:49 PM »
Used to be people would come here to be more like us, sure we'd get a taste of the culture of where they came from but they'd still want to become a part of the community. Instead they now come here force us to not be who we are and if we try we are the racist. I have no problem experiencing another persons culture and way of life but if you came here to get away from that life why are you bringing it with you?

This isn't just a foreign mentality though.  Being from a small community, and moving the the big dirty city of redding (population around 90,000) I've seen tons of people move up from LA or the bay area because they loved coming to this area, but once here they try bringing their city ways with them and pregnant dog that we don't have all the shopping ammenities that the city afforded them.  I used to see lots of rants about this on craigslist, but put up one of my own laying it out how I felt about them, since I'm actually from the area.  Since then I haven't seen one rant from them about the local hicks and ignoramouses.

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