Author Topic: IGNORANCE!!  (Read 3024 times)

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« on: Feb 18, 2006, 12:00:08 AM »
Thus is the nature of the brainlessfool!  It'll lurk in the shadows avoiding any interaction with the general masses, only to pounce out and stir the pot when nobody's looking!  They're an odd breed, but an important member of society nonetheless.

And I know your pain man, I have this discussion at work all the time.  The only respone I get out of one coworker every single time is about our friend who had a tacoma that perpetually had head problems.  The other one likes to ask how many heads I've gone through on mine.  1) no ground strap from head to firewall, corrosion caused massive coolant loss  2) radiator cap popped off, lost all coolant and warped head 3) cheap kragen water pump lost seal on shaft, all coolant was lost 15 miles from work resulting in warped head, only found out after getting to work.  I thought I ended the debate when I checked on the service bulletins and recalls for toyota, chevy and ford, but they have forgotten all too soon!

You can go through life being scared of the possible, or you can have a little fun and tease the inevitable.

Give a man venison, he'll eat for a day. Teach a man to hunt Blacktail, he'll be frustrated for life!