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Re: hope you all got to experience gatekeeper
« Reply #30 on: Dec 07, 2005, 06:26:26 PM »
Another comment:

Quote from: Simple Man @ Cal4wheel bbs

This post was copied from another board. I feel that it is an extremely good summary of what is going on with the Rubicon Trail.

Information I believe to be true
The following is a list of bullets that I believe are true. I'm am not endorsing anything here. This is just some conclusions I have come to with my involvement at FOTR, in meetings, and so on. I was a "Ranter" as recently as 18 months ago. I began attending meetings and so on. I have a perspective today that is much different than 18 months ago. Do I know Am I still learning...yes. Is everything below fact...probably not, but it is what I believe at this time. I decided to do this because I think people need a reality check.

*FOTR has much less power than most people believe.

*Many posting in this forum don't have all the information they need to speak intelligently.

*Understanding all the powers that be is extremely difficult without attending meetings for about a year...even more. I'm still learning new things

*The Forest Service cannot do anything to the trail without the County's okay.

*FOTR cannot do anything to the trail without the County's okay.

*The County listens to recommendation from the ROC which includes many groups...not just FOTR and off-roaders.

*The trail will be 'managed' until the Rubicon Trail Master Plan is in place. Managed meaning if there is a serious issue that must be addressed for whatever reason, it will be address. Yep...sluice is considered a serious issue.

*The explosives will likely be used again...why...they are cheap and fast.

*Sluice will be blown next spring...Attend the ROC meetings for a date. You may actually be able to influence how they are used and what goal the explosives would have.

*Most everyone agrees that Sluice should remain the toughest section on the trail. If has been historically and that likely will continue

*The ROC is the best place for information about what will happen on the trail relative to management or anything else

*Competition style rock crawling will not be in the future of the trail

*Fees and permits/user agreements likely will be in the future

*I don't believe there will be a licensed only vehicle rule

*I don't believe there will be a tire height restriction

*The FS will likely enforce the rule of not leaving the trail with your vehicle. You'll have to park along the trail and haul your gear in.

*The FS will expect you to know where you are on the map.

*The trail is 50 feet wide...some may have seen the reflectors near gatekeeper. These likely will be added throughout the trail.
(The easement is 50' wide the trail itself is only 8-10' wide. Doug)

*The official trail easment is in Grey on the FS Restriction map. Get the map by calling the forest service. They'll send it for free...or pick one up at a station.

*The Forest Service cannot close the Rubicon trail, but they can close everything surrounding to off road vehicles that is ENF. They have virtually done this already.

*Only the County can close the trail.

*No new trails will be added anywhere in the ENF until at least 2007 due to the current route designation process specifically excludes new routes pending completion of this process...sorry Bear.

*Much of the land along the Rubicon trail is private and out of the FS jurisdiction. See the checkered colored boxes on the restriction map...white is private land.

*John Berry, the Forest Supervisor, will likely close about 700 miles of non-system roads within the forest permanently.

*The only non-system roads that look to be allowed in the future are ones the public has complained about...yes the squeeky wheel....

*There are about 6-8 people that regularly carry the weight of FOTR and yes many meetings are a waste of thier time. It is amazing anyone continues to do this for free.

*Slamming each other on this forum is definitely hurting our cause and frankly makes people look silly.

*People should vent and discuss these "Slamming" issue within the FOTR email list...figure out how to get on it. It is not hard. Yes, there were some issues with the server and spamming, but there is no conspiracy to keep anyone off it.

*Don't be afraid to respond to the FOTR email list. Speak up!!

*Snow wheeling on FS routes is in jeopardy.

*Private land owners do have a say and should.

*There is no conspiracy by land owners like Mark Smith to control the trail. But they do have input and it is listened to. Yes, Mark would like to take his people through the Sluice. No, this desire will not cause the sluice to be blown up. It will be multiple factors.

*The long term surviveability of the trail will determine most future actions.

*If a section is an environmental issue or another issue, it likely will be altered, moved, managed and address...but not until there is an RTMP. Until then, bandaids will be used to get to the RTMP

*When an RTMP is done, way more management of the trail will begin... probably making the actions at gatekeeper look tiny.

*Post RTMP...will the trail still be a rock crawling trail? Yes, but it will be much different than today.

*Could there be new areas for "extreme" rock crawling...yes, it is possible, but it won't be in an environmentally sensitive area and likely on private land near the trail.

*Will the trail change in the next 5-10 years...yes. There will be a steady return to what the trail has been historically.

*Will owners of rigs with 42 inch tires be challenged on the future Rubicon...doubt it.

*Would I be building a buggie/trailered only rig for the purpose of going to the Rubicon trail exclusively...not right now.

*Could extreme rigs be accomodated on the Rubicon, yes. You'll have to speak up loudly after the RTMP is in place and push for an area or a piece of private land to allow it.

Again...I don't endorse everything here. This is just what I see coming based on my involvement over the past 18 months. In short...the actions at Gatekeeper are relatively insignificant to what I see coming in 5-10 years. If you are pissed about GK, you need to get involved. If you want to be heard, you need to stand side by side with the 6-8 people and speak up. If you don't do this, I must have nothing to pregnant dog about.


I'd like to thank Marlon for taking the time to list the current issues facing the Rubicon Trail.
Doug Barr
The Ghost-Rider/Ghost Runner

No matter how far you fall, the ground will always catch you


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