Author Topic: Crossing my fingers!  (Read 3585 times)

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Re:Crossing my fingers!
« on: Aug 17, 2003, 11:23:59 PM »
To make a potential VERY long post less long, We drove down to Napa without a prob, exept we made some wrong turns no biggie, and got to his house, he wasnt there waited arounf he showed up got the truck on drove to Taco bell and took up like 6 spaces for a while. We got onto the highway and were in bumper to bumper traffic when it felt like it was stuck in 1st gear (auto) so we go a lilttle more and realize that its REALLY slugish, so we pull off and notice a hug puddle under the burb(in the pic above looks small, was about 3' square)[ :smack:#1] so we are trying to figure out whats wrong for a while and are sittin there so we call a fellow club member in the area (yota83) then we call AAA and luckly Curtis(who drove down there) has the 100 mile tow for free deal on his card. We told them that we had 3 people with us and a trailer and asked for a flat bed. So they send a single cab forward nissan deal that is NOT a flat bed.[ :smack:#2] And turns out Ryan(yota83) borrowed his brothers truck that had the hitch locked on there with no key, so we are trying to switch balls when we realized that the bottom of the nut is ground off, but Curtis and ryan about loose some knuckles trying to get it off. Then they try picking the rusty pin lock. No workie.[ :smack:#3] So we end up leaving the truck there[ :smack:#4] and taking off with this crazy toe truck driver that wouldn't stop yelling and talking [:smack: #5] While being very uncomfortable for 120 miles to willows.[ :smack:#6] Then he droped us off because Curtis didn't wanna pay 5 bucks a mile back to Orland for the tow truck. While he was unhooking the burb from the tow truck Me and WOH go over to a Taco bell (oh yeah 3rd one that trip) and realize its 1:00am and only the drive through is open[ :smack:#7] so we said f**k it we are hungry, we are standing in front of like 3 cars and well.....just an fyi people don't set of the drive through censor :talkingn: So we go around to the window and get our food(there is still 3-4 cars behind us, one with some young girls making fun of us [:smack:#8]) So we call AAA again and say we tryed to drive a little but made it to willows, we tell them we have 3 people and to send a big truck, while lets say we end up driving 120 miles in a small truck and annoying driver, and 14 miles in a 4 door flatbed truck, that could have towed my truck also, with a really cool driver that wheeled also [ :smack:#8] So we get back to Curtis's and we end up sleeping in a 5 story 50' tall tree house :talkingn: :talkingn: And get wokin up by 2 birds wondering why we are in their tree[ :smack:#9] The next day we are chatting with Curtis about TTC(he went with Abba) and other stuff when he says he has to go turn on the well, So we walk through the orchard and get to the well there is a pipe that goes over a big trough thing like 3.5' deep used to be used for a flood erigation, its hot so we fill it up 1/2 way and are playing with the high preasure water :beer: after a while I realize that my camera is in my pocket [ :smack:#10] While I let it dry out and now its working perfact like it never got wet[ :beer:#1] While we get a ride home to WoH house and I call my mom to see if she has the 100 mile deal also, no its oly 5 miles[ :smack:#11] well she desides she wants to go down there now, at lik 10:00pm. She said she wasn't sure if the guy would let me go allong. I ended up not going and my mom ended up staying down there by herself, She had the truck towed from the side of the hyway, not sure why. While I guess while they were loading up the truck he said he needed to take a leak she said "ok Ill just turn around" he said he was done and she turned around to see him holding his richard and saying "you see this" :headscratch: She just said "ok Ill pretend I didnt see that" I guess later down the road she saind something to the effect of "If you dont appoligize Im gonna kick your ass!"  :talkingn: :talkingn: :talkingn: So I guess he was scared because he was real quiet and didnt charge much :talkingn: And any way She is ok and still down there in a motel with my step dad and they are gonna get the truck tommarow[ :beer:#2]

If you skipped over that, We broke down and left my truck on the side of the road for a while and had some really bad luck.

Liquor up front
Poker in the rear


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